Wednesday, February 11, 2015


If I had to choose a word that determines whether or not an individual will succeed at their goal, it is constancy.  A savings goal is generally not realized in one day and a 401(k) retirement strategy works better over time.  This is the reality for many things in our lives and yet many people look for instant results when it comes to health. 

I joined a fitness center a few years back and the fitness coach said, "I have had many people come in to the gym and tell me things like, I need to lose 20 pounds in the next 7 days.  I simply tell them, you did not gain the weight in a few days and you cannot expect to lose it in a few short days." 

I encourage you not to look at one day and decide if you are losing weight or becoming healthy.  Instead, remain constant in daily exercise and in watching what you put in your body.  Then, you can look back over a period of time and see the results of your efforts.   If you are constant in your pursuit of health, you will achieve your goal. 

You can do it!


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